

A sound clip was supposed to accompany those lyrics there... But I don't know how to put up sound clips, so I went on Upload Video Clip instead and I published the post. So when I went and checked the blog, the sound slip didn't show up. Now I clearly remember Fi Fi saying "Duh, you can upload sound clips!", but I don't remember her offering to help me through the process. Because it never happened. So then I searched blogger.net for some help topic on how to upload sound clips, and it redirects me to this mail in which some chick is telling another chick to use gabcast.com to upload sound clips. I think, "I can do that. It can't be that hard..." I wasn't entirely correct. It was awful. First I had to create an account, then I had to go on gmail to activate my account, and then I had to edit my account on the bullshit website. And then it turns out that i have to create a "channel" to upload my stuff. I try to do that, but I'm not exactly successful until the fifth try. First, I need two passwords and I only put up one; then it turns out that those passwords have to be numbers; and after that I find out that those numbers have to be different numbers... Okay, so that's three tries, but still. Then, when I finally try to upload my sound clips to my account, it says I have to subscribe to that service, and it costs $12. So until Fi Fi explains the process to me, you guys have to live with those lyrics only. And it is such a drag editing that song since it's an mp4 and Windows Movie Maker only supports mp3 or wmv format. See, I go through so much trouble for you guys for nothing... And you never say thank you.