

Ja Ja
Wisdom dripping out of head. Gets info on *people* likes balloons, especially flat ones..
Contribution: erm.. you know...
Ultimate Dream: running away to L.A. to become a drummer in the band that sings "I like balloons.."
Other Minor Dreams: Using up at least 0.0000000000000193576237926 %of her brain before she dies.. [dream on Ja Ja..]

Za Za
The Smart One. The Thin One. Likes math, chases cats.
Contribution: Idea of the Holy Book.
Ultimate Dream: Mastering Physics and such to run off and join the Mythbusters with Salvator Belleci.
Other Minor Dreams: Having 20 jobs simultaneously, sharing her child with her Divorced Husband [she wants the other half; who'll bother with the diapers??]

Chan Chan
the Good One, The Pure Soul, Believes in All Good, Hears no Evil, Sees no Evil, Speaks no Evil.
Contribution: Objection to all things Evil.
Ultimate Dream: Becoming a women's rights' lawyer and Destroying All Evil.
Other Minor Dreams: Becoming a belly dancer.

Together with Bam Bam, and Fi Fi, she makes up L.U. [Bam BAm still hasn't figured out why we made that..], loves Bekham, eats up Fi Fi's perks.
Contribution: you-know-what
Ultimate Dream: running off to L.A. with Ja Ja [but for a totally different reason ;) ]
Other Minor Dreams: Killing the Entire world... [the rest is known to those who need to know]

Hai Hai
Supplier of Books, DVD's, Songs, without charge.
Contribution: walking talking ATM machine..
Ultimate Dream:Going away to America to Live a Free Life.
Other Minor Dreams: Killing fi Fi in Halo Once and for All, Finishing the world's supply of coffee before she dies, reading every Book she can Lay her handas on, living for a Million Years to do so..

Bam Bam
Creator of L.U. [still trying to figure out...] Lead Role starring BoTBF
Contribution: Cosmo Girls' :P
Ultimate Dream: Having her own Cell Phone [FULFILLED!!!]
Other Minor dreams: Ruining Our Lives, Destroying New Person in BotBf, marrying Baribie's boyfriend Ken, creating millions of pointless little groups such as L.U and P.U. and then trying to figure out why she made them in the first place...

Me Me [pronounced mai mai or may may]
The One with the 25 Crushes, still counting.. the Overdramatic One, Hyperactive, Most Prone to Accidents. Bad Ones.
Contribution: Extra Knowledge which We do Not Need, info about Tuberclousis, LASAGNA ahhhh...
Ultimate Dream: Going to Grammar [FULFILLED!!!]
Other Minor Dreams: Ending up with AT LEAST ONE of her crushes, getting a bob-cut, killing Julius Caesar [ we are all incorporate to thy attempts..]

Fi Fi
The Khuaar One, The One who Came Up with the WRYNHAIF hologram, The Innocent One, The One Who Fells people.
Contribution: Time and effort for the Holy Book, The Holy Book itself, her liveliness, perks, nutella sandwiches.
Ultimate Dream: Owning all the MCR merchandise in the world, actually going to One of their Concerts..
Other Minor Dreams: Killing Ja Ja by constantly Felling her, Destroying the Planet and then committing Suicide by jumping off the edge of the world, taking a trip to the sun, shooting stars with a bow and arrow living on top of Mount Olympus after Pushing Zeus off, Drawing every portrait of Mikey and Gerard and Frank and Bob and Ray that she sees..

Now you Know Us.

1 comment:

ja ja said...

proof that i actually visited the blog and also the 0 comments thing looked sad